"Happiness : A ray of sunshine" 😊
What is happiness to a 5-years old kid?? -Playing with toys whole day and whole night.Isn't it? 😊 But,what is real happiness to some 18-years old? It is surely not playing with toys. The reason of happiness changes each day passing by to us. 😐 . . Right from your birth to whatever age you currently standing at,the cause of happiness has changed infinite times over and over!! Things change,Priorities get reshuffled,you develop wisdom...after all this what you seek?? 🙄 "HAPPINESS" 😊 So see,basically whatever you do,whatever work you initiate..You just want to be satisfied and happy at the end!! Positive intent and paraphernalia is must. 🙂 As a child myself,I hated each and every restrictions my parents imposed on me..Although,it was all for my own betterment but as a child we never understand these things,do we?? I only dreamt of complete freedom. 😐😐 But now,I'm free..there are no restrictions whatsoever.. Technically,I have attained complete f...